Jenna Jokhani, Alma Rortveit, Sisi Li, Sheena Chen, Prim Kamolybutr, Yanisa (Posh) Aphichatabut, Mia Romasanta

Jenna Jokhani, Alma Rortveit, Sisi Li, Sheena Chen, Prim Kamolybutr, Yanisa (Posh) Aphichatabut, Mia Romasanta

International School Bangkok

“This piece was a combination of multiple dance styles in order to represent the order and chaos that form our identity. The beginning of the piece begins with a section that represents the beginning processes of the formation of one’s identity: an individual becoming aware of the senses around them and reacting accordingly. The pairs symbolize the relationships formed throughout identity and the balance between unity as well as contrasts. There is a lot of unison which represents our interpretation of how when we are first learning and developing our own identity, we learn and generate ideas from those around us. The piece then transitions to a more upbeat choreography symbolizing the shift in an individual’s identity from figuring out who they are to sharing that with the community around them. Similarly, the second half has pieces of unison and contrasts. Furthermore, the choreography builds upon the unison as the individual that we are representing as a collective group is beginning to fully develop their own identity. Finally, the piece is combined to illustrate both a larger group of 6 dancers and a trio of 3 dancers. This was in order to show our interpretation of how identity is formed through multiple groups and is not always a large number of ideas clashing with each other but rather a smaller cohesive unit that is present throughout the formation of our identity that grounds us into who we are.”

Fabio Paron