Bruno Melcher

Bruno earned a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering from ESALQ-USP, and a Master of Science degree in Agricultural Economics from Texas A&M University. He started his professional career at Louis Dreyfus Commodities Brasil in 1992, having held several leadership positions in its agricultural industrial and risk management activities, focused on commodities like citrus, soybeans, cotton and sugar. As of 2009 he served as a member of the Executive Group of LD Commodities. Mr. Melcher also served as the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of LDC Bioenergia, LDC’s sugar-cane processing arm. He also held directorship positions on the Board of Directors of CNAA – Companhia Nacional de Açúcar e Alcool, Tropical Bioenergia, Minerva Foods, Vanguarda Agro, and was a member of the advisory board of UNICA, the Brazilian Sugar Cane Industry Union, and ANEC, the Brazilian National Association of Cereal Exporters.

Currently Bruno is responsible for Sierentz’ worldwide agricultural production operations (140,000 hectares of soybeans and corn in Brazil, and 110,000 hectares of wheat in Southern Russia). Also he manages his own agricultural operations in Brazil (30,000 hectares of integrated soybean, corn and cattle production).

Fabio Paron