Pauline Richaud
Richaud's life path has led her to reside in South Africa, Ivory Coast, and Zurich. Having lived in various countries reinforced her desire to shape her career in the field of sustainability to preserve the planet's beauty. This led her to opt for a Master's degree in International Business with a specialization in sustainability at the Business School Lausanne. Prior to this, Richaud obtained a Swiss Maturité in economics and law, followed by a Bachelor's degree in business administration with a specialization in finance.
Her first significant professional experience was working for a Swiss association dedicated to climate protection, where she is currently a member of the MYBLUEPLANET team in French-speaking Switzerland. Through this experience, she has been able to apply her knowledge to help develop projects. Richaud is in charge of the ClimateLab project, which aims to raise awareness of climate protection, sustainability, and environmental issues among apprentices. At the same time, she manages the French-language communication platforms and organizes events.
As a young professional just starting her career, Richaud is driven by the conviction that significant change is possible. She believes in humanity's capacity to achieve great and beautiful things, and it is with this spirit that she is committed to making a positive difference.