Roger Nordmann

Roger Nordmann, born in 1973, has been a member of the SP National Council since 2004 and chaired the Social Democratic Group of the Federal Assembly from 2015 to 2023. He is a member of the Parliamentary Commission for Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy (UREK). He was the Commission Spokesman for the CO2 Proposal, Energy Strategy 2050, and Mantelerlass of 2023.

He was president of the Swissolar Association from 2010 to 2021. Since 2020, he has been a member of the board of directors of the energy supplier Groupe E SA and from 2021 he is president of the engineering firm Planair SA.


Climate protection and energy security - how Switzerland is making a swift and fair turn at the Zytgloggverlag (2023)

  Sun for Climate Protection - A Solar Plan for Switzerland at the Zytgloggverlag (2019)

 Nuclear and oil-free into the future at Orell Füssli Verlag (2010)

Fabio Paron