Roni Adan - "Untitled"

Roni Adan

International school of Zug and Luzern



“Originally about the power, importance, and celebration of youth voice, this piece has evolved to show frustration that young people face - being dismissed and left out of decisions for our future because older generations think we ‘don’t understand’ and have not lived enough to ‘truly experience the world’. Our ‘youth’ is a power we have - to speak out against injustices, to help shape our world; it should be something to celebrate and hold onto, not wait to get rid of to finally see some change. This composite image was created to look hectic, done so by the background of lips, to portray the masses at pride marches, Fridays for Future, climate strikes, Black Lives Matter protests, Women’s Marches, and all the other activist activities which we go to try and better our world and see a difference. In this piece I celebrate what makes up a part of my identity; not my heritage, gender, hobbies,  languages, family, but my voice. I run a student Zine which celebrates creativity but also allows for freedom of speech; feminist rants, mental health awareness, contemporary poetry…. And to celebrate identity and youth I highlight the global importance of youth


Fabio Paron