Heiko Specking
With over 30 years of experience in enabling long-term thinking and innovation, Heiko specializes in connecting philanthropy with social-environmental investment practices. Passionate about regenerative principles and pressing issues like food quality, regenerative agriculture, clean water, and a plastic-free world, he works to foster consciously interconnected and resilient systems that are aligned with both nature and humans thriving. For the past couple of years he is closely collaborating with the International Bateson Institute in Sweden to explore the trans-contextual mutual learning practice of the Warm Data Lab, established by Nora Bateson.
Being particularly fascinated by the dynamics of transformation, Heiko is tending to the questions of: How do we learn? How does change happen? How are systems related and depended of each other? How can people better collaborate in order to discover new pathways towards transformation?
The incredible beauty and abundance of our living planet has always fascinated him and he sees Biodiversity as a key to sustain nature and our environment but also essential for a thriving economy and well-being. It is alive and follows the path of evolutionary development and growth. I enjoy to learn from its functionality, interwovenness and complexity.